Raise Awareness To Vital Gnosis
The client here had been creating a curriculum of online courses and loads of research material supporting the philosophy and approach of holistic heath. However, there wasn't really much traction being made for their online platform. So their obvious goal was to correct this as quickly as possible.
How It Got Started
This client came to us by happens chance through a mutual contact. Our founder always has an eye out for other entrepreneurs who are trying to make their way in this world. After a few contacts, the owner of VG decided to hire Budd Consolidated to build a stronger online platform.
Our Plan
Websites are essential for any business. But that's not always enough. Our plan was to establish a foundation platform to serve as a foothold for the client to have somewhere for people to actually learn about their existance.
Where We Are Today
We continue to stay in touch with Vital Gnosis. Their platform has continued to grow in popularity and we have plans to continue working together in the future.
How We Helped Them To Succeed
Our Initial Assessment Of The Project
Our initial assessment of this client was that although they had a massive amount of data, information, and course mateiral. There wasn't a successful vehicle to drive a person to in order to close a deal. Alongside this hurdle, the general understanding of what it means to take a holistic approach to health was not a relatively easy concept to translate to the masses.
Which Services We Provided To Drive Success
While developing their website, we made a concerted effort to hold regular coaching calls to cover the basics of how we would want to present the material and how to structure the various business processes that would compliment their goals.
Our Focus Points
Obviously the first order of business was to create an online platform for people to be directed to where they could learn about the platform, the material, and ultimately to sign up for the onine courses. Alongside this, we wanted to focus on making the actual material more marketable and relatable.
Turnover/Continued Support
We continue to stay in touch with Vital Gnosis. Their platform has continued to grow in popularity and we have plans to continue working together in the future.
30 min
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